It seems like in 2009 there are no shortage of charity compilation albums and today we have one more to add to the list. Over at Aquarium Drunkard today you can download for free RAM On L.A. The album features a truly diverse lineup featuring some of Los Angeles' best musicians doing their take on Paul McCartney's 1971 album RAM.
From AquariumDrunkard:
"Released as a high-quality 320kbps MP3 digital download, the not-for-profit compilation is available free via Listeners are encouraged to make donations to No More Landmines, the fantastic cause that “helps and empowers communities around the world by removing the threat of landmines and unexploded weapons.” A cause championed by Sir Paul McCartney himself. Donate here.
With a truly diverse lineup, comprised of both Los Angeles stalwarts and new faces alike, listeners get to sample a slice of the present “sound” of Los Angeles, while revisiting one of, if not, the best solo effort by one of the greatest artists of the last five decades. Every penny of donations from listeners will go directly to No More Landmines. Many, many thanks to all the artists involved for their time and talent."
Bodies of Water-"Dear Boy"
You can download the album here.