Monday, May 4, 2009

One for the Team's New EP is Tits

In my magical opinion one of the best things that can happen to a lazy person is getting an email with something totally awesome that you have never heard before. It's so much better than finding it yourself after several minutes of hard internet searching and WAY better than discovering a new band at a show or some other crap that requires you to leave the house. So when I got an email from One for the Team containing a download link for their new EP and it turned out to be the "cats pajamas" every lazy fiber of my being wanted to jump for joy but all I was able to muster was this post.

I am finding it hard to compare it to something to give you an idea of what to expect, the closest I have come is Fleet Foxes+Panda Bear+Matt and Kim-50 Cent/Peter Bjorn & John=One for the Team. I am really bad at math so please take a listen and let me know if that equation is even a little accurate.

If I were a person that didn't already have Build a Garden I would be going to my local Walgreen's and buying one of those iTunes cards and using that card to purchase Build a Garden via iTunes or maybe you can just go to their site and buy it there or maybe even Amazon or something. You know what? I am not your accountant (see previous math above), I don't get paid to tell you where to buy shit ok?!?

All I can tell you is that it came out on March 31st on Afternoon Records. And they are also on a tour that happens to be coming to Phoenix, here are the dates friends.


16 - Minneapolis, MN - Art-A-Whirl
18 - Omaha, NE - Slowdown
19 - Denver, CO - Hi Dive
20 - Salt Lake City, UT - The Sho
21 - Davis, CA - University of California - Davis
22 - San Francisco, CA - The Retox
23 - Upland, CA - The Wire
25 - Phoenix, AZ - The Phix
26 - Albuquerque, NM - The Telos
27 - Colorado Spring, CO - The Factore
28 - Lincoln, NE - Box Awesome
29 - Des Moines, IA - Vaudeville Mews