Thursday, June 18, 2009

Photos: Ear Pwr at Modified Arts 6/18/2009

Ear Pwr at Modified Arts 6/17/2009

I love Ear Pwr and apparently so do five other people in Phoenix. Sometimes I just underestimate the "pwr" of Electric Mustache and the reliance people have on our daily concert calendar. You see yesterday we didn't have one so I can only assume that is the reason nobody showed up at Modified last night...right? Well Ear Pwr put on the best show they could under the circumstances. The sound guy was not exactly cooperative and playing to six people barely paying attention is not the funnest thing to do. We ended up hanging out with Devin, Sarah and their friend/driver/tour manager (whose name I can't for the life of me remember right now) for a couple of hours out on the sidewalk just bullshitting and having a grand ole' time. I can say from the deep down cockles of my heart that they are by far the coolest band I have ever hung out with and next time they come through Phoenix they are welcome to crash out my place. Enjoy the pics after the break!

Ear Pwr at Modified Arts 6/17/2009

Ear Pwr at Modified Arts 6/17/2009

Ear Pwr at Modified Arts 6/17/2009

Ear Pwr at Modified Arts 6/17/2009



Unknown said...

So true man...strange thing is though SOMETIMES people will show up en mass but it seams to be really hit or miss on what shows get a lot of people.

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