This is kinda a two part post, the first part is about Bird Names new album coming out next week called Sings the Browns, I listened to it a bunch of times on a 3,000 mile road trip over the last week or so and over all it's a fantastic album but there are parts of it that sort of hypnotize you a little so I would recommend NOT listening to it all the way through whilst driving next to the Grand Canyon at 3am...other than that please DO listen to it several times because it does take a few listens to get what is going on. It's a pretty wild and crazy album that definitely rewards repeat listens via a nice set of headphones.
The second part of this post is “Taxicabs and Bicycles” the first single off of Sings the Browns and I am posting right down there below what I am typing now. Please have listen and try not to crash!!!
Bird Names - "Taxicabs and Bicycles"