I took this picture, I am awesome right?
Oh...there you are, I didn't see you standing there, please take a seat. Funny, I was about to call your office. I have been meaning to tell you about the new AA Bondy album that comes out next week so I am actually glad you stopped by. Oh it's pretty good. Yea, it kinda sounds the same as his last album but you know what they say "If it ain't broke...yadda yadda yadda" Well I also wanted to play you this new mp3
A.A. Bondy - "I Can See The Pines Are Dancing"
Pretty good right? No, no, I am sorry I can't let you borrow this copy of the CD, I really think you should buy your own, It's called When The Devils Loose and it comes out on Sept 1st. (or Aug 31st if you believe Amazon)