Thursday, November 12, 2009

Photos: Health @ The Rhythm Room 11/10/2009

Health @ The Rhythm Room 11-10-09 (5 of 45)

I have been listening to and liking Health's Get Color since September but I never really did much investigation of them as people or a band. I wrongly assumed they were a a couple dudes with a maybe a keytar and some fancy effects. But as it turns out they have a real live drummer (who is bad ass) bass player and TWO guitar players... you know, the makings of a full fledged band. They did have a shit ton of effects sprawled out in front of them and used them but the one thing thought that kept cycling through my mind grapes system as I left the show is "Holy Jesus they are so goddamn LOUD!". Usually that means they were TOO loud and everything sounded like shit, but the loudness that night was sorta justified and actually worked for what they were going for. I think they want you to leave feeling as if you were just raped by a pack of wild goat/dog hybrid things. Some people might say they take themselves a little to serious on stage but I think it's more likely they have all gone a little insane from listening to themselves over and over again and really have no idea where they are or what is going on anymore.

Check out some select shots after the break and the whole set on our Flickr HERE

Health @ The Rhythm Room 11-10-09 (18 of 45)
Health @ The Rhythm Room 11-10-09 (20 of 45)
Health @ The Rhythm Room 11-10-09 (1 of 45)
Health @ The Rhythm Room 11-10-09 (45 of 45)