Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Music Video: Maluca: El Tigeraso
I think it's a good idea to have videos where people are really having a good time with each other whilst listening to/hanging out with/dancing with the given star of said videos. It makes you want to be there with them doing those things, living that life... I want beer can curls, I want pink stripes connecting my mini skirt to my high heel shoes! Why can't I have these things? Is it because I am old and have a beard but no hair? Is it because I would look horrible in a pink mini skirt (hells no) and can't walk in heals (I can)? NO! The real reason is for more sad than any of these things. The reason I can't have any of these things is because they don't exist in the real world. So we will just have to pretend like they do when we watch these "bangin" vids yo.
Maluca is the newest star on Mad Decent and apparently Diplo's newest protege, so good for her.
mad decent,
music videos
Music Video: Maluca: El Tigeraso
diplo|mad decent|maluca|music videos|