So tonight is appears that the Trunk Space is the place to be if you want to see a crazy ass show. I just discovered all the bands that are playing tonight (except for Andrew Jackson Jihad) and listened to all of them on their respective myspace pages and I wasn't planing on going down there but I just might have to now.
Destroy Nate Allen
Andrew Jackson Jihad
Do It Up Initiative
Gilmore Grrrls
Holy Crap I forgot about Rural Alberta Advantage at The Rhythm Room tonight!!! Shit... that is also going to be bad ass. DAMMIT I HATE HOW SHIT IS ALWAYS ON THE SAME NIGHT!!!!!!! Are there only 5 tour vans in the whole country or something and they all have to the same cities together? I guess now I am just going to stay home and gently rock back and forth on the floor as I