Photo courtesy of Lauren Dukoff
Last night I was supposed to have my head blown and heart melted by Devendra Banhart.
Unfortunately that didn't happen because apparently (I say apparently because I'm obviously still bitter) Mr. Banhart "broke some bone in his leg skateboarding" he wrote on his website. While Banhart "wanted to play the shows any way like in a bed or something" the doctors didn't think that was the best idea and thus the last few shows of his tour have been cancelled.
I had originally received the news through a vague text message. After confirming that the show was off because of an injury, which I was originally told was to one of Banhart's bandmates, my friends and I began theorizing as to why the show was really cancelled. Of course all of our theories were cynical.
Let me share a few:
1. The show did not sell out and Devendra did not want to waste his time playing a small show.
2. Devendra wanted to take some time off before his big gig at Coachella.
3. Devendra sucks.
We thought he should have played an acoustic set without his band because he's that good. None of this makes sense now that we've gotten some clarification on what really happened. All we can do now is try to get our refunds, which seems easy enough if you bought the tickets in person and not online.
In short, Devendra Banhart's show was cancelled, we don't know if/when he'll ever come back to Arizona and if you were planning on going to the show you're probably still bummed.