Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Photos: Xiu Xiu & Noveller @ The Sail Inn 3/15/2010

Xiu Xiu @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-7

So scheduling prevented me from making it to both Xiu Xiu and You Say Party! We Say Die! last night but Xiu Xiu was fucking amazing so I am OK with how things played out. They are about the most intense couple of people I have ever seen in person. Check out more pictures of Xiu Xiu and opener Noveller who was also great but in a much more relaxed sort of way... after the break and more on FLICKR

Photos Shawn Anderson ELECTRICSHOTS.COM

Noveller @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-5Noveller @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-2Noveller @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010

Xiu Xiu
Xiu Xiu @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-7Xiu Xiu @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-2Xiu Xiu @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-5Xiu Xiu @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-4Xiu Xiu @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-7Xiu Xiu @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010-6Xiu Xiu @ The Sail Inn 3-15-2010