So last night was all about Tempe and tonight it's all about Phoenix. Tonight's show choices are not quit clear cut as yesterday's "either you had tickets to Vampire Weekend or you didn't"... choose wisely.
A Place To Bury Strangers and The Big Pink are going to blow the doors off of The Rhythm Room so be sure to bring ear plugs, you are going to need them. Tickets are $15 HERE
Deer Tick is making their return to Phoenix but in my opinion due to the closing of Modified they have been downgraded a little in venue and will be playing at The Trunk Space though their sub standard PA system that is certainly not befitting of one of my favorite bands. But whatevs I guess. I don't get to make decisions about stuff like that. But you should seriously elect me "President of Venue Picking and Schedules" Tickets to that show are $12 HERE with Andrew Jackson Jihad, Jacob Smigel, One Wolf and Matthew Reveles supporting.