I totally forgot to post this on Tuesday, but I went to the Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros show at the Clubhouse on Monday. They were pretty great and so was Dawes, but fuck The Clubhouse! Everything about that place is wrong. Why is the bar right in the middle? Why is it so hot? Why is there no parking? Why is it so hot? Why is it so humid? What's up with that heat?
That being said, I would not even give two shits about any of those things (I totally still would) if they would just put up a little barrier between the crowd and the stage i.e. The Marquee, so us photogs could take some decent pictures. I either have to be the first one in line and run to the front of the place and stand there smashed to the stage for 5 hours (I refuse to do that on principle alone, even if I had time for that shit) or stand on the side of the stage and hope to god a couple of the 650 shots turn out OK.
So Clubhouse, I am going to fix your problems for you. Move the bar to the back, get better of at least SOME AC and throw up a little barrier for the photogs. If you are going to act like a big venue set yourself up like one. On the other hand I am no idiot, I realize that those things would cost money. I also realize that NON of the previous complaints prevented the show from selling out or any of the previous ones like Miike Snow or Beach House. So what is their motivation? Nothing I guess. So we (mostly me) should probably just be happy there are any shows to even go to in the first place.
To check out the rest of the shots that turned out usable check out my slide show via The New Times.