If there is definitely a place to take your kids on a Saturday evening it's a gravel parking lot filled with drunk people. Another good idea is to leave them several times alone to go take pictures. Just kidding, that is a terrible couple of things to do with your children. Unless it's to see Mumford & Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros and Old Crow Medicine Show that is.
But truth be told the show was great, the gravel parking lot... not so great. But how many places in Phoenix/Tempe are next to a railroad track? Not very many, and probably ZERO of those places happen to be a nice grassy field. So I am happy they even stopped here at all considering the limitations.
I did take my kids and despite the fact that they couldn't see ANY of the show since they are children and short they both said they had a really great time. Probably because I kept leaving them alone so they could pretend like they were there alone and super cool. As a side note, I am going to invent stilts for children to use at concerts. I can't think of any reason to worry about any accidents or injuries that might happen, so I 100% expect to make millions and never be sued.
I took a crap load of pictures... way to many in fact. So again I am going with the easy way out of just posting a slide show. If you want to check them out in a less "slideshowy" format, check out our Flickr page HERE.