The Foo Fighters might not be the typical type band you might expect here on this online webzine but we here at ye old 'Stache are "ye old" ourselves (especially me) , so our musical interests have roots that run deep ( so deep they will put your ass to sleep). One of those roots is the Foo Fighters, who are awesome and I love them. Amazingly I was able to shoot their show at US Airways last night and even got a ticket to stay and watch the show! It was a spectacle to behold for sure, there were all sorts of spinning lights, stages appearing out of nowhere and probably like 8 to 10 fog machines! It was crazy town! Seriously... they played for like 3 hours or so. That is a crazy long time to play for ANY band, let alone one full of old dudes... even ones that were in Nirvana. All in all it's nice to know that there are still kick ass rock n' roll bands that can pack basketball arenas that are not total pieces of crap. That makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
Bridge Burning Rope The Pretender My Hero Learn to Fly White Limo Arlandria Breakout Cold Day in the Sun Stacked Actors Walk Monkey Wrench Let It Die These Days This is a Call In the Flesh? (Pink Floyd cover) All My Life Encore: Wheels (Dave Grohl acoustic solo) Best of You (Dave Grohl acoustic solo) Times Like These Dear Rosemary Breakdown (Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers cover) Everlong