Friday, November 6, 2009

Bradford Cox Destroys A Heckler At The End Of Altas Sound Show in Phoenix

Was that title long enough for you? I busted out my flip camera to record the last song of Atlas Sounds set since it was going to be acoustic and not distort the tiny little mic. And as it turns out it was perfect timing! Right as I turned it on some drunk (or just retarded) asshole heckler yelled at Bradford "Eat a fucking burger" in a lame ass attempt to make fun of his "skinnyness". Well Mr. Cox takes umbrage and calls the fuckwad up on stage. Watch the video to see what happens next. He does go on to play a really great acoustic version of "Logos", the title track of his new album but stops that short because the mood had really just been kinda spoiled by then.

I will have pictures up later on today.


Anonymous said...

Was Muhammad Ali holding the camera for you?

Unknown said...

No it was actually your mom... while I was banging her.

Pan said...

This was so fucking funny!

Anonymous said...

No, it was Josh that destroyed me; p.s. we (Bradford and I) made ammends after the show, had a beer, signed a truce document, photographed the event (true story). I love heckling; I hate heckling when you're on the way to the stage and are briefed by 2-3 people on what Marfan Syndrome is... (ignorant, yes); Imagine the most awkward Curb Your Enthusiasm moment and apply to real life.

Unknown said...

I think the lesson to be learned here is "Heckle at your own risk" And you are correct Josh did the majority of the destruction. I am glad to hear everything worked out in the end. (Being sincere here)

Anonymous said...

I think the lesson, "research before you start hurling insults" is more appropriate. I would never have said ___ had I known.
In my defense, it's like making a "your mama" joke to someone only to have them get really rigid and tell you that their mom's dead

Unknown said...

Well even WITH research you run the risk of some asshole with a video camera and a blog being there in need of some traffic ;-)

Patrick said...

I really wanted to make this show...last time when Bradford came with Deerhunter at Modified last November the vocals were way too low and Bradford new it sucked and it didn't help that the bass player of Deerhunter Josh Fauver called out a girl in the audience for yawning.

I really hope this and the last experience of playing in Phoenix doesn't turn him off from future tour stops.

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