Friday, November 6, 2009

Photos: Atlas Sound & Broadcast @ The Rhythm Room 11/5/09

Atlas Sound @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (12 of 36)

Well last nights show was kinda weird. Apparently some people arrived late and that set off a chain of events that I can only describe as.... boring. I arrived late myself with the expectation that everything would start late as per the usual at The Rhythm Room the last few shows, but it was WAY latter than normal. But once they opened the doors around nine it wasn't so bad because I am a people person so chilln' on the patio and talking with friends is sometimes even better than watching the bands. Not so much this night, not that the conversations were not good because they were but all three bands made our wait well worth it.

The Selmanaires were the opening band as well as Bradford Cox's backing band, and even though some people didn't care for them so much I was pleasantly surprised and they got even better after Mr. Cox took the stage. Despite the entertaining albeit distracting "heckling incident" Atlas Sound put on one of the best shows of the year. I know I say that a lot but what can I do when each is better than the last?

I am not sure if Broadcast have always played last on this tour or if the whole "being late and having a shit ton of stuff" to set up made it necessary, but after the projector started rolling Broadcast put on quite the show. I am not going to say it was excellent because it wasn't, but it was really good. I am not super familiar with their albums so I was kind of going into it with no expectations or "any idea how the songs sound on the album" and according to some were not nearly as good, but since I didn't have the burden of prior knowledge I was able to appreciate what was going on right then in front of me and it was pretty rad.

Check out a few more pics after the break and a bunch more on our Flickr page HERE.

Broadcast @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (21 of 35)
Broadcast @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (15 of 35)
Broadcast @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (26 of 35)
Broadcast @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (16 of 35)

Atlas Sound
Atlas Sound @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (19 of 36)
Atlas Sound @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (26 of 36)
Atlas Sound @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (22 of 36)
Atlas Sound @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (28 of 36)
Atlas Sound @ The Rhythm Room 11-5-09 (32 of 36)


Pan said...

Two words about the wait: fancy hobos.

Unknown said...

Hey guys, do you remember that band "Fancy Hobo's with a Slightly Less Fancy Butler"? They were really good, and very authentic right?

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