Tuesday, February 9, 2010
mp3: Erykah Badu - "Window Seat"
Eyrkah Badu might not be what most people would think would show up on our blog. But I'll be honest I love Erykah Badu and I have for a long, long time. She consistently makes great music and I look forward to each new release of hers. Speaking of new releases, Erykah Badu will be releasing her latest album New Amerykah Part Two: Return of the Ankh March 30th on Universal Motown. Badu made available via her Twitter a new track from the album called "Window Seat" which features Roots drummer extraordinaire ?uestlove on drums.
Erykah Badu - "Window Seat"
erykah badu,
mp3: Erykah Badu - "Window Seat"
erykah badu|mp3|