Thursday, April 15, 2010
Video: The Soft Pack "Answer To Yourself" (f. The Cast Of Kick Ass)
I am not exactly sure what is going on here but I like it. Something tells me that it's a viral video made to promote Kick Ass AND Hot Tub Time Machine*... but I don't know for sure but probably. Either way it's pretty rad.
Oh, as it turns out Clark Duke is also in Kick Ass, so I guess it's just a viral video to promote Kick Ass with the splatter effect of also promoting Hot Tub Time Machine. How much do you think they paid The Soft Pack? Maybe they just accepted $500 in movie tickets as payment. I did that once. Thanks Dan Harkins!
*Producers of mentioned movies please contact me HERE to arrange payment for mentioning your movies.
Video: The Soft Pack "Answer To Yourself" (f. The Cast Of Kick Ass)
music videos|the soft pack|this is not a movie blog|