I am really enjoying the heck out of this resurgence of the early 90's vibe. Do we have Portlandia to thank? I am not sure but I am going to thank Portlandia anyway... Thanks Portlandia. I am assuming if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have Yuck or The Downer Party. Sure there may have been bands that existed and made music that sounded like the early 90's, but would anybody have been interested in that sort of thing? Who knows... who knows indeed.
The description for The Downer Party said something to the effect of "Karen O meets Pavement", more like "What's up Letters To Cleo? Where have you been we missed you?"
I mean that in a good way, the BEST way actually... Letters To Cleo were the best!
Now if you will excuse me I have to go watch The Ben Stiller Show
The Downer Party: Country Kids
The Downer Party: Chicago