image courtesy of Phoenix New Times
It has been a long time coming and something that I have been dreaming and wishing for since we started this site in 2008. A truly bad ass music venue downtown! Sure Modified had it charms, but good sound, not smelling like shit and AC were not those charms, and the Trunk Space... let's just not talk about the Trunk Space.
But news is hitting that the best and most wonderful Stateside Presents are finally fulfilling their destiny and opening up a venue of their very own. It's called Crescent Ballroom and even though we have seen the name pop up as the site for upcoming shows like St Vincent, tUne-YaRdS, M83 & We Were Promised Jetpacks we didn't really know any details. Now we know more details and those details are good. It's going to be size wise in between The Rhythm Room and Marquee Theatre, have food and drinks and be open everyday at 4pm to hang out, or something to that effect.
It looks like the first show is Unknown Mortal Orchestra with What Laura Says opening on Oct 4th. I am going to bet that it sells out, so I would get your tickets now, or whenever they become available because their site is not working yet I guess.